GLS also provides interpreting services. Unlike translation, which is written, interpreting calls on the spoken skills of linguists. From the smallest bilingual meetings involving only a few participants to full-scale multilingual conferences, GLS will make sure that meaning is faithfully conveyed across all languages spoken during an international event.
We provide the following types of interpreting services:
- Consecutive interpreting: facilitates multilingual exchanges and smaller meetings and presentations. It consecutive in that after each person speaks in the source language, their comment, question, or response is interpreted in the target language. Consecutively. The conversation then continues in this fashion, hence, requiring more time than simultaneous interpreting. Our consecutive interpreters are ably facilitative for all types of meetings requiring their unique skills.
- Simultaneous Interpreting: is more convenient large-size where different languages are spoken, for speeches, or sporting events and meaning must be conveyed without pauses across all languages. The speaker’s words are interpreted to a specific audience in quasi real-time, often through the use of conference equipment. Because simultaneous interpreting is extremely demanding, international standards require that interpreters should work in pairs allowing time for rest at 20 to 30 minute intervals. Simultaneous Interpreters are the crême de la crême on the language industry due to the uniqueness of their skills.
- Liaison interpreting: is typically used during visits of delegations or at small business meetings. The interpreter accompanies the group or delegation on its visit and interprets whenever required. GLS interpreters come with the right mix of language skills, subject-matter expertise, and social etiquette to effectively chaperone your delegation through its various engagements.
- Whispered interpreting: is a variant of simultaneous interpreting that caters to not more than two participants needing interpreting services. The interpreter interprets in whispers simultaneously or consecutively directly into the ear of the delegate. It’s often used for itinerant missions when logistical constraints make simultaneous or tour-guide interpretation impossible.
- Telephonic Interpreting: is performed over the phone using either airtime or voice-over-IP platforms. The interpreter remotely acts as a communication bridges between calling parties. Ideal for its clients needing immediate and unpredictable access to interpreters, GLS runs a wide network of interpreters that guarantee 24/7 availability of telephonic interpreting.
- Remote simultaneous interpreting:digital transformation and global pandemic pushed many to work from home using online meeting platforms such as Teams, Zoom or Meet. International conferences are now increasingly being held entirely online, thus requiring remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI) online as a new working method. GLS has adapted to the changing times and updated its logistics to provide RSI. We can provide RSI interpreters to cover your meeting or provide an end-to-end solution by creating the online meeting link and manage it for your event.
- Hybrid simultaneous interpreting: combines the in-person component where conference equipment and simultaneous interpreters are provided at a venue to the RSI, expanding the reach of your meeting to online participants. GLS will combine its years of experience in simultaneous interpreting to digital capabilities to give you peace of mind for your hybrid event