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Language services for the humanitarian sector are a vital aspect of crisis situations. Humanitarian emergencies know no linguistic boundaries, yet the humanitarians operating in these crises often lack the necessary language support. This makes their job even more difficult. The DRC, where the conflict has been described as “Africa’s world war”, is a striking example of how essential translation and interpretation are to saving lives.
GLS provides language services to non-profit organizations in the humanitarian sector to help them respond to crises, set up health and education programs and carry out other humanitarian actions.
And when the emergency response to a crisis fades, development interventions must be put in place to strengthen the resilience of affected populations. Most donors are English-speaking countries (USAID and UKAID) or other countries that do not use French, the official language of the DRC.
GLS linguists excel at meeting the linguistic needs of these aid entities, and we have thus developed a unique expertise in humanitarian and development jargon.